Carbon fiber | ideaMaker profile.With ideaMaker Texture, the user can skip lengthy CAD processing and generate a 3D texture directly from a 2D greyscale image, and can apply it to the model surface.

Carbon fiber for ideaMaker.This easy-to-use feature gives those still learning modeling skills the possibility of customizing the surface of a 3D printable object with a texture.

With ideaMaker Texture, the user can skip lengthy CAD processing and generate a 3D texture directly from a 2D greyscale image, and can apply it to the model's surface. Examples of 2D images that can be spread over a model's surface include patterns, figures, or logos. ideaMaker uses slicing to automatically convert any image into a 3D texture to be printed as a unique surface finish. ideaMaker Texture expands the possibilities of a model's appearance while broadening the appeal of it.

{{detail.view_num}} {{detail.download_num}} {{detail.like_num}}
{{$t("sliceDetail.published")}} {{detail.up_time|date}}
Move (%) {{detail.texture_translation_x}} / {{detail.texture_translation_y}}
Repeat {{detail.texture_repeat_x}} / {{detail.texture_repeat_y}}
Rotation (Deg) {{detail.texture_rotation_z}}
Wrapping {{detail.texture_wrapping_name}}
Texture Files (.texture)
{{$t("sliceDetail.uploaded")}}   {{detail.file_create_time|fullTime}}   {{detail.file_size|fileSize}}
Q&A ({{}})
Q&A   ({{}})
{{review.nick_name || '--'}}
{{$t("")}}  {{review.comment_count || '0'}}  {{review.like_num || '0'}}
{{review.sliceCommentR.target_name}} {{$t("sliceDetail.reply")}}:
{{comment.target_name || '--'}}:
{{$t("")}} {{$t("sliceDetail.delete")}}
 {{comment.like_count || '0'}}
{{$t("sliceDetail.view")}}  {{comment.child_num}}  {{$t("sliceDetail.replies")}}
{{childItem.target_name || '--'}}:
{{childItem.created | fullTime}}
{{$t("")}} {{$t("sliceDetail.delete")}}
 {{childItem.like_count || '0'}}
{{$t("sliceDetail.download_modal_coontent1_before")}} {{detail.target_name}} {{$t("common.user_deleted")}} a Like and encourage them to continue sharing amazing Textures in ideaMaker Library.
Post your Textures!
If you have excellent Textures, please publish and share them with other ideaMaker users. It will benefit other users and ideaMaker Library.
Post your Textures
You can leave your comments after you’ve printed with this Texture, which is very important to the author and ideaMaker Library (also for yourself)!
{{$t("sliceDetail.step_one")}} {{$t("")}})